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Call the DeleteUSMSTemplate API to delete an SMS template.

  • Deleting a template that is currently being reviewed is not supported.
  • Please be careful when deleting SMS templates as they cannot be recovered once deleted.

Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
ActionstringValue: DeleteUSMSTemplate.Yes
AccountIdintProject ID:Get AccountId.Yes
TemplateIds[]stringTemplate ID (i.e. the work order ID when applying for the SMS template), supports an array format.Yes

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
RetCodeintWhen RetCode is not 0, the specific error description is displayed in Message. If RetCode is 0, Message will not be returned.Yes
ActionstringOperation name.Yes
MessagestringReturn the status code description. If the operation is successful, it will be returned as empty by default.Yes

Request Example

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
"Action": "DeleteUSMSTemplate",
"AccountId": 1,
"TemplateIds": ["UTA1908XXXX8B3F","UTA1908XXXX8B3D"],

Response Example

"Action": "DeleteUSMSTemplateResponse",
"Message": "",
"RetCode": 0